State Policy

Feeding Wisconsin advocates for policies at the state level that can make a significant impact on improving the lives of families struggling close to home. We support, advocate for, and educate elected and administration officials on state policies that: 

  • Increase access to fresh, nutritious food for Wisconsin families
  • Ensure a strong, accessible, and effective FoodShare program 
  • Improve the health of Wisconsin families

2025-27 Wisconsin Biennial Budget  

We are advocating for funding for Wisconsin’s food banks to purchase additional Wisconsin food products, increasing access to fresh, nutritious food for Wisconsin families.

Based on recent Feeding America Map the Meal Gap data, 1 in 10 adults and 1 in 6 children in Wisconsin are food insecure. These rates, coupled with the fact that the cost per meal has increased by more than $1 dollar in recent years, results in a budget shortfall of more than $450 million throughout the state and an annual meal gap of more than 116 million meals.

Wisconsin’s nearly $4.3 billion budget surplus this biennium puts members of the state’s Joint Committee on Finance in a unique situation to leverage the robust resources of its agricultural, manufacturing, and retail industries to benefit people experiencing food insecurity via donations, food purchasing, and disaster relief.

State Budget Advocacy Initiatives

Increase Wisconsin Grown & Produced Food – The “Fortify Wisconsin” Initiative. Provide $30 million over the biennium in general purpose revenue through the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP’s) budget to provide grants to Wisconsin’s nonprofit food assistance organizations to purchase Wisconsin-produced farm and food products including fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, meat, milk and other dairy products grown and made in Wisconsin.

Strengthen Food Rescue Opportunities – Create Food Distribution & Transportation Assistance Grant Program. Food banks often are offered access to food rescue opportunities from various points in the food supply chain (i.e., from grocery stores or warehouses) but lack the resources and funding to pick up the food and get it to banks or pantries for distribution. This program would provide $2 million over the biennium in a pilot grant program that is administered through the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) to award grants to nonprofit food assistance organizations to assist with increasing fuel, distribution, and transportation costs of moving food from warehouses and distribution facilities to food pantries across Wisconsin. Grants shall be awarded in all regions of the state. Nonprofit food assistance organizations may apply for grants of up to $50,000 each to provide funding to offset fuel and other transportation costs associated with these activities.

Support Continued Funding for Tribal Elder Food Boxes –Support the continued funding of Wisconsin’s tribal elder community food box program. Provide $4,000,000 over the 2025-27 biennium in tribal gaming program revenue for grants to nonprofit food assistance organizations that purchase and distribute food to tribal elders and to entities supporting the growth and operation of participating food producers. 

Healthy School Meals for All – Expand access to free school meals so all Wisconsin students facing food insecurity receive nutritious meals while at school.

Click here for the 2025-27 Wisconsin State Budget Advocacy Initiatives.

2025-2027 Legislative Session  

Support policies and programs that improve the health and economic stability of Wisconsin families 

Throughout the legislative session, Feeding Wisconsin monitors legislation and proposals that impact Wisconsin families facing food and financial insecurity. 

We support policies and programs that promote financial security and household stability to help Wisconsinites build for a better future, such as increasing access to affordable housing, quality childcare for working families, and increasing access to healthcare and health insurance.