Showing entries tagged: 'FoodShare'
Government Shutdown
The shutdown of the federal government is heading toward its fourth week, making it the longest shutdown in U.S. history and leaving over 800,000 federal workers, including nearly 29,000 living in Wisconsin, furloughed or working without pay.
We are concerned on two fronts about a prolonged government shutdown. The first, of course, is that 29,000 federal employees living in Wisconsin, working hard and playing by the rules, are currently not receiving paychecks. While the government is shutdown, the need for food or the need to pay the mortgage or the car payment does not. The challenges and uncertainties that these federal workers are now facing are just like the challenges that many other of our friends and neighbors face when they are not earning enough money or working enough hours due to no fault of their own.
FoodShare During the Shutdown
The good news is that USDA recently announced that it would pay February FoodShare benefits!
The bad news is that we don't know a whole lot more about what happens after that.
In the meantime, here's what we do know about FoodShare benefits during the shutdown.
College Food Insecurity Toolkit and Resources
Research shows that there is a need to address food insecurity among college students. A study by The Hope Center (formerly the WI Hope Lab), a leader on this issue, found that 67% of students surveyed reported either low or very low food security. Learn about some of our new tools to fight college hunger.
Senate Ag Committee Passes Bipartisan Farm Bill
The Senate Agriculture committee passed its version of the Farm Bill today and we join with a broad cross-section of farm, food, environment, and anti-hunger advocates to applaud the passage of this bipartisan bill.
Let's rally for a Farm Bill that fights hunger, not one like H.R. 2, which would increase it!
As many of you know, the Farm Bill is the legislative vehicle that authorizes and funds SNAP. It is up for renewal this year and unfortunately, the House of Representatives is currently considering the passage of a Farm Bill (H.R. 2) that would indiscriminately cut SNAP benefits and make it harder for seniors, children and working families to get the food they need to work, learn and live healthy lives. These cuts would widen the gap that low-income Wisconsin families experience every month.