Showing entries tagged: 'child-nutrition'
The Full Effect
The impact of a meal goes well beyond feeding our bodies. Food can open endless opportunities for people to thrive.
Hunger Action Month
Join the movement to end hunger.
Working To Close the Child Summer Hunger Gap – How Our Lawmakers Can Help
When school ends, hunger doesn’t take a break. No more classes, no more homework…no more lunch? That’s the reality for millions of kids in the United States when summer break begins. The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 2021 can help ensure the summer months are hungry months for kids
Wisconsin REALTORS partner with Feeding Wisconsin to fight child hunger
The Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation has kicked off this year’s campaign to fight child hunger in Wisconsin with a $50,000 gift. This year, as part of their “Don’t Be A Turkey Tour,” the Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation organized a multi-site volunteer event the week of November 11th, where over 200 volunteers served at 6 food bank and food pantries sites.
Wisconsin REALTORS fight child hunger
The Wisconsin REALTORS Association Foundation board and staff celebrated Hunger Action Month with us today by launching their multi-year campaign to fight child hunger in Wisconsin with a $50,000 gift to stock our six food banks and 1,000-plus food pantries throughout the state.